About - What is HONEUR
What is HONEUR?
HONEUR stands for Haematology Outcomes Network in Europe.
Historically, the network of data centres across Europe has often been duplicative and uncoordinated, so the transformational potential of Real World Data is not being maximised. For example, in rare diseases like Multiple Myeloma, there is a lack of detailed, objective knowledge on routine clinical practice, treatment patterns and outcomes indifferent patient subgroups at different stages of the disease.
This led Janssen to create HONEUR - a collaboration project to form a network of participating centres (university and private hospitals, registries, medical societies and all other institutions that have a large data set of patients being diagnosed with haematological malignancies). Several benefits for the data centers and society are associated with HONEUR.
By working together, HONEUR’s overarching goal is to accelerate the development of new cancer treatments and ultimately to improve patient outcomes. Further information is given in our mission and vision.